Hey all. As you probably know, saving the world is a slightly stressful job – so I’ve decided to pick up a new hobby. I’ve started developing some awesome new inventions that will help me save the world WITHOUT defeating some giant monster or evil scientist.

Check out this contraption!

Penguin Tea Maker

This gizmo will make your tea AND look cute while doing it!

These little guys will dunk a tea bag into a cup of hot water at specified intervals – leaving you free to save the world, chat with friends, or prepare for the revolution with the comfort of knowing that there will be a nice hot cup of tea ready for you when you’re done.

Once I’ve liberated this factory that’s been converted into an evil lair by a deranged megalomaniac, I’ll start mass-producing these guys. I don’t know what I’ll call them – the Emperor’s Tea Maker? Nah. Whatever.

Once they’re ready, they’ll be available on Amazon for 5 easy payments of $19.95.

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